A popular type of medical care is the treatment of prostatitis in men, while medications help not only to eliminate the disease, but also to prevent its chronic development. The characteristic manifestations of the disease are pain and severe inflammation that affects the genitourinary system. To quickly eliminate the main symptoms, doctors prescribe modern urological drugs for the treatment of prostatitis with a wide spectrum of action, the competent use of which helps to forget about the disease forever.
Basics of prostatitis therapy
Despite the effective drugs for prostatitis offered by pharmacy chains, it is necessary to understand that only a qualified urologist can prescribe the best and correct therapy. Before starting treatment, doctors make a complete clinical diagnosis. Diagnostics are based on:
- laboratory blood and urine tests;
- analysis of prostate secretion;
- ultrasound examination;
- urological flowmetry.

To prescribe an effective treatment for prostatitis, the doctor prescribes the intake of drugs that can eliminate the main cause of the disease.It is based on a complex therapy using various physiotherapeutic and related phytocomplex procedures.The main indications for drug therapy are the prescription of anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, hirudotherapy, therapeutic massage, therapeutic gymnastics and reflexology are recognized as the most effective.
The doctor chooses the course of treatment aimed at eliminating all painful symptoms in men based on the form of the disease, the age of the patient and the existing concomitant diseases. The acute form of prostatitis is treated exclusively with antibiotics. In the most severe types of the disease, the patient is hospitalized.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the early stages of prostatitis. Depending on the characteristic symptoms present, the doctor prescribes pain relievers to alleviate the patient's condition. The infectious form of the development of the disease provides for a number of measures aimed at eliminating the infection from the genitourinary system. In severe cases, extensive and effective antibiotic therapy is required, due to the fact that, as a result of improper treatment or inopportune access to a doctor, the patient's infection process has reached a great development. During this period, gradual drug treatment of prostatitis is required.
According to the study of the individual characteristics of each patient, the sooner the doctor prescribes the use of an effective drug for prostatitis, the better it will affect the results of treatment.

Therapeutic principles and tactics
Based on the clinical picture of the course of the disease, doctors determine the basic tactics and the principle of treatment. The neglected state of the disease is characterized by severe intoxication of the body. The symptoms during this period are:
- high temperature;
- weakness;
- nausea followed by vomiting;
- headache;
- pain in the perineum and lower back;
- pain when urinating;
- total absence of urination in some forms of the disease;
- painful bowel movements.
The attack of a staph infection can become a dangerous time in the development of prostatitis. Patients with diabetes mellitus are especially susceptible to this. In severe forms, the patient is sent to a hospital, where comprehensive and effective treatment is carried out.
In acute infectious prostatitis, the patient is prescribed bed rest and antimicrobial agents. During this period, therapeutic massage cannot be used as a physiotherapeutic treatment, as it can lead to the spread of infections due to the activation of the blood circulation.
Doctors prescribe drugs that improve blood microcirculation. Medications are administered intravenously. Thanks toits effect at the capillary level, improves the output of lymph from the inflammatory focus, in which biologically active substances and metabolic products are deposited.
Nonsteroidal prostatitis medications play a very important role in relieving pain. They also have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Local preparations: rectal suppositories, which have anti-hemorrhoidal and analgesic effects, have proven their healing abilities. These include suppositories with propolis for prostatitis.
When normal urination is impossible, urologists prescribe alpha-blockers to help relax the soft tissues of the prostate and facilitate the discharge of the contents of the bladder. Despite the fact that the use of these drugs only have analgesic and symptomatic effects that can normalize the urination process, patients point to them as the best remedies for prostatitis.
When purulent inflammation and abscess are detected, doctors prescribe a surgical treatment method.
Antibiotic therapy
Antibiotic therapy is the foundation of drug therapy for prostatitis. Antimicrobial drug for prostatitis can be prescribed immediately after the first signs of the disease are detected. To prescribe a more effective treatment, doctors perform a urine bacteriological culture to identify the sensitivity of the causative agent to a certain type of antibiotics. They, without waiting for the test results, prescribe in the first days a strong drug for prostatitis, which has a wide spectrum of action, which can neutralize most of the most common pathogens.
Fluoroquinolones are used for enterococci and gram-negative infections. They help to influence anaerobic bacteria and are capable of altering the nuclear structure of pathogenic microorganisms, effectively affecting their protein metabolism.
In case of further intoxication of the body during acute prostatitis, infusion therapy is carried out, which includes intravenous injections of electrolytes, a solution of potassium chloride and glucose, as well as rheological solutions.
General therapy for the disease
In the treatment of men, great importance is attached to strengthening the body and its protective properties.
For this purpose, doctors prescribe immunomodulatory agents.
Vitamins that are used for prostatitis and herbal preparations have a good effect on strengthening the immune system.
In modern urology, injections and pills for prostatitis are observed, which have a universal effect. Also, urologists have long appreciated the efficacy of Chinese medicine in treating this ailment.
Today, you can choose Chinese prostatitis drugs for sale, which treat almost all symptoms of the disease, relieve severe inflammation, affect gonococci and other types of infections, and help relieve and relieve pain byto pee.
In pharmacies you can buy a special remedy for external use: cream-wax for prostatitis. It is only prescribed by a doctor and is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
Natural cures for prostatitis
No matter how much the modern pharmacy offers effective drugs for prostatitis, men try not to miss a single opportunity and use all methods to get rid of the disease. Traditional medicine is one of the most popular areas in the treatment of prostatitis.

There are many paths in this direction that have already been recognized as effective. These include a very effective method of treating urine. Few men would like to use it. We are talking about urine therapy: treatment with your own urine. Take 250 ml of urine in the morning before breakfast. During treatment, it is advisable not to overeat. The main course of treatment is a month, then a break is taken and the treatment is repeated.
The red root plant is an excellent remedy for male ailments. 1 tablespoon. l. 1 liter of boiling water is poured over the crushed root and left to stand for 1 hour in a dark place. It should be drained and taken in 1/3 tablespoon. 3 times a day. You can drink the infusion as tea with milk and honey. This recipe is very effective not only for prostatitis, but also for various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
Effective treatment of prostatitis is also seen with the use of asparagus juice. It is taken daily in 500 ml. If desired, the juice can be diluted in equal amounts with carrot and cucumber juice.
Propolis is an excellent helper in the treatment of prostatitis. Candles have healing properties that have been proven by many men. 40 g of propolis should be evaporated in a glass of 96% alcohol. You should get 0. 1 g of the curative composition, which should be mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter. The finished mixture is formed into candles and placed in the refrigerator. After hardening, they are used as rectal suppositories every night before bedtime. The course of treatment consists of 2 months with a break of 1 month.

Obese men should remember that starvation treatment for prostatitis will help not only to cure the disease, but also to lose weight. Fasting makes urination easier. This method is used in the early stages of the disease for 2 days. If the disease has gone too far, the fasting time should be increased. You can still drink water.
The Bulgarian seer Vanga left a large number of predictions and recipes. Here is one of his recipes for prostatitis: brew crushed linden charcoal like coffee and drink for a week. If there is no improvement, continue for a few more days.
Burdock root is an excellent prophylactic agent. This plant has a wide range of beneficial ingredients that are beneficial for the prostate. Burdock root is harvested in the fall. Wash, dry and store in a dark place. The recipe for its use is simple: burdock root is eaten as a complement to main dishes.
At the heart of the preventive measures that help to resist such a difficult and painful phenomenon as prostatitis is changing your own lifestyle. Sexual infections are one of the causes of the disease. To protect yourself from them, you should always remember about barrier contraception.
The lack of physical activity causes the appearance of stagnant processes in the prostate gland. It is imperative to spend time on exercises and exercise for 10 minutes every hour, especially if a man is busy at office work.
Bad habits (smoking and alcohol) are of great importance in the state of the genitourinary system. The toxic substances they contain are enemy number 1 for prostate health. As a result of its harmful effects, blood microcirculation is disrupted, immunity decreases, and vasospasm appears.
Timely access to a doctor is of great importance for the prevention of prostatitis. Even if there are no pronounced symptoms, men after 40 years should undergo a medical examination by a urologist at least once a year. If there is a suspicion of prostatitis, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and in no case self-medicate.